Tuesday, July 12, 2005

2E3 has officially become BLOGGERS

Yesterday, I was wondering how to conduct my lesson with 2E3. Two periods equates 1 hour 10 mins. Minus the greetings, wasting of time (by students), scoldings, surveying of class cleanliness and making sure guys like Jia Cheng and Darryl have their shirts tucked in, I'm left with 55 minutes. I wonder how can I effectively teach them how to do a good personal recount and I had to think of ways to interest these easily restless, "mandarin-speaking" students of mine. Computer labs! That's a sure way to get them excited, be it the venue or the air conditioning or the simple fact that they can get out of the class.

The initial aim was to let them read some online journals and illicit comments from them regarding the stucture, features etc... Sounds boring still. Then Nicolette, perhaps the most IT-savvy student asked for permission to edit her blog. Hmmm.. If she can do that, why can't the rest? Then in my 'authoritative' voice, I instructed my seemingly docile class to create their own blogspot. "Huh? How? Why?" These seem to be the immediate response for practically anything I ask them to do. But what the heck. Do it.

So now, I'm starting my own as well (afterall that's what teachers do.... be a role model). And my 'kids' are across me doing their blogspots as well. Hope this would be a learning experience for them. Hey 2E3 Times up! Finish your blog at home!!!


At Thu Jul 14, 12:55:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cheer up Master Jedi!! Heh have given u the honour of having ur blog link to mine!! *although ur's uncool and not happening lahz*



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