Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Parting is such sweet sorrow....

Today was simply an emotional roller-coaster ride for me... Lots of mixed feelings. As the saying goes: Parting is such sweet sorrow. To see a special member of the 3E1 family grow into a sensible, well-liked 15-yr-old and later see him leave, is not easy. And who am I? I'm just his teacher. What about his friends who are much closer and have known him for a longer period of time, how much lost would they feel?

Some good came out from this departure. I see more compassion and love in my 'kids'. I see how much they treasure each other. I see how well they can treat one another.

Time is running short it seems. We seem to make every moment as special as we can for him. Started out this morning with a formal/fun photo shoot for my class so that Marion can still be in the school magazine class photo. It was filled with laughter, creativity and sweat. Photo of the year could most probably go to the 'tootster' photo (super mega bo seh). Never had such fun with taking class photos. Will publish the photos once my padawan JJB teaches me how. (Oi!! Get the hint alphamale aka JJB aka can't cartwheel PE teacher! And stop making useless remarks in my blog!)

The rest of the day went by quickly till assembly. During the last 15 mins, Marion made a speech to the whole school and a slideshow dedicated to him was shown. Felt so proud of my class.... sitting at the front area of the hall swaying to song "Graduation" by Vitamin C. Touching indeed. Who would have thought this could happen to a student. Maybe it should have been a class affair but if the school is supposed to be a family, shouldn't we treat everyone like one.

Well, luckily (or unluckily) we live in the era where Internet, and MSN exist. So, keeping in touch is no problemo......

Lesson learnt: Treasure what you have and live everyday to the full... Carpe Diem.. Seize the Day.. (Oops sorry Master Chocoindryice for stealing your quote)



At Fri Jul 15, 01:14:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Erm... what useless remarks?


At Fri Jul 15, 08:32:00 AM, Blogger Master Choco In Dry Ice said...

Stealing me quotes? They are not exclusive to me alone... We certainly have seized our day on Wednesday...

Having seized it, we also know that we need to have the guts and accountability to accept the consequences... No regrets :)

Parting is neccessary just so that we could all meet again... I got a very strong feeling that we will get to meet Marion again... and we'll all be proud of him...

We can all see your love for your kids, 7yearslater... It's a deja vu feeling for me personally... It's a loose end that we need to tie in life... I think we did that...

At Sun Jul 17, 01:31:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't help but wanna leave the following 2 quotes here:

"All endings are also beginnings. We just don't know it at the time"

"No matter the pain, every story has a happy ending. If only because letting go is sweet."
-Anthony, Patricia - Flanders-


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