Monday, August 08, 2005


Saw this group of ingenious ants trying to get across a gap between two sides of a slightly opened gate. I knew ants and bees are the most cooperative creatures but to see the ants do a live "Outward Bound School (OBS)" style manoeuvre is quite interesting. Notice, to get to the other side, one 'macho / gungho' ant had to do a back flip to bridge the gap while the rest were all waiting in anticipation to get across to the other side. Next to ensure that EVERYONE (I mean ANT) gets across, they stack up and form a bridge, allowing the rest to step on them just to get across to their destination, their goal.

Why can't we humans work like that??? The answer is very simple.... ANTZ are simple creatures, humans are not... In fact, we are such complex creatures that its never easy to fully comprehend what's going on in our own minds. Let's not even talk about others. Why can't we help each other towards a common goal? Why can't we stand by our 'colony' no matter what?

Fear to take the first step, ego, differing goals, tiredness, helplessness, others' perception of us, procrastination, timing all play a part. With all these hindering us, how can we move on, how can we close the gap, how can we make sure that everyone is not left behind?

To move forward, it's about letting go... To take a step forward, we've got to let go of our hind foot. The hardworking antz obviously understands this perfectly... to move every(ant) forward, ego, self, selfishness, have to be let go of... to let others step all over you, just so that every(ant) can advance. Timing must be perfect too, if not some human being may swing open the gate and all the antz might just come crashing to the ground and all their efforts would be wasted. If only humans can work like this too... letting go of self and doing things in perfect timing.

Again, the answer is SIMPLE, it lies in the fact that antz are SIMPLE and humans are COMPLEX creatures living in a COMPLEX world. The most elegant way of getting things done is usually the simple way. Humans are too complex a being. They are proud of this fact. And yet that's something humans will struggle to admit that it may be a weakness after all. Perhaps, that's why we are all encouraged to play chess rather than Tic-Tac-Toe. And to think that I raised my hand for Tic-Tac-Toe the other time... So am I simple or complex?



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