Sunday, August 07, 2005

The magic number....7

7 Aug 2005... a day to remember... Why? So many things have happened on this day and ironically, its supposed to be a happy occasion for me... It's the day I was borned (ermm what's so happy about birthdays anyway). Usually, any person will take their date of birth as their FAVOURITE number cos its significant and easy to remember and the most it will go up to is 31. Nobody will say... "My favourite number is 9435". That explains why my favourite number is 7. Hence, my blog, my msn nick, my passwords (hmmm.. don't try to crack it), my hp number, have 7 in them.... Too many things around me are related to 7. Take for instance, 7 days in a week, 7 colours in a rainbow (ok, I know this is lame), been dancing for 7 years, my current dance concert is titled 'Qi', scored 7 As for my 'O's (haha), 7 years ago something happen, and 7 years later another occured, 7 years from now, something major may happen again... 7 people in my life that I'm affecting by my decisions. Grrrrr... not a pleasant entry but that's reality... Starting to wonder if seven is a good number to begin with... hmmm shall change my fav number to 456335....

Maybe jus some negative thoughts from realising I'm one year older... grrrr


At Sat Aug 13, 09:38:00 PM, Blogger MadCat(W) said...

Mine is 9 and it is not my birthday. Dun ask me why....


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