Thursday, March 15, 2007


The word 'Rats' can be used in different ways:

1) as an interjection
Slang. (an exclamation of disappointment, disgust, or disbelief.)

2) as a noun (literally)
several long-tailed rodents of the family Muridae, of the genus Rattus and related genera, distinguished from the mouse by being larger.

3) as a noun (figuratively)

a -scoundrels.
b - people who abandon or betray their party or associates, esp. in a time of trouble.
c - informers.

Rats!!!! (usage #1) The March 'holidays' is coming to an end and I only had one day break cos the rest were packed with other things to do. I need a breather.. can't wait for June but it seems like a long wait...

Rats!!!! (usage #2) There was a rat scare some time in November 2005 but it turned out to be a cute furry cat... February 2007 there was a rat scare again... but this time.. it's for real!!!!

(NC16: Due to the horrific details in the following paragraphs, viewers' discretion is advised)

The first signs of the intruder(s) were tiny little faeces on the tables of some Jedis. They were tiny. Perhaps a few millimetres... so how big can the intruder(s) possibly be. Hence, everyone dismissed it and life goes on.

While the Jedis were all busy fighting for the good cause, the intruders expanded their territory. More tables were visited. More evidences were left behind. Yet, no one did anything.

It was only after the Chinese New Year celebrations that the alarm was triggered. The Angpow with the chocolates in the form of golden coins, which I received during CNY was tampered with. I swear.. this rat is from The Matrix... Let me explain...

The Angpow was placed in a 10cm tall round plastic container. At a glance, no one would have noticed any difference as it was still upright and in place that fateful morning. However, on closer look, I noticed the top edge of the Angpow was nibbled neatly and the chocolate golden coins were MISSING!!!!

The remants of the chewed gold foil were left behind and the remaining chocolate had two teeth scrap marks in it. I would have taken a picture but I just freaked and cleared it as soon as I could. I was horrified, petrified, terrified, mystified(anymore??). How in the world did the container remain straight up? How in the world did the creature retrieve the chocolate? I could just imagine a rat in a matrix outfit doing some kind of stunt to get it out and later feasting on the delectable chocolates. I thought I was the only one who had such an intruder but I wasn't. Master Kungfu Hamster had the same situation too. The only difference was that his chocolates were kept in a LOCKED cabinet!!!! Crap... this is getting creepier. What kind of mutated creatures are they?? The only information we know about our nemesis is that it likes chocolates and not ritz biscuits since they were side by side and only the former was targeted.

The evidences were everywhere. Something had to be done.

Rat traps...

Day 1: A black tiny rodent was trapped in the glue trapped. I didn't get to see it. Thank goodness.

Day 4: I thought the rat scare was over but I was wrong. Master Pinkiemonkie pointed out to me that a rat's tail was found on the glue trap. I didn't understand what she meant (I thought she meant a rat) until I saw it with my very eyes. Yup.. a rat's tail was stuck to the glue trap... still bloodied...

I can imagine the poor creature, in order to run for its life, ripped it's own body away from it's tail. Awww gross... It's like the movie SAW (which I didn't watch). I couldn't help feel sorry for the tail-less creature. Imagine the pain. But the pity only lasted for awhile. The fear of the rat(s) coming back with a vengence scared the crap out of me.

I fear going back to the my cave.. I wish I can be up at my old place again..

RATS!!! (usage #3) They have been apart of my life and everytime I get burnt or played out, I blame myself for being so stupid. Apparently, people with ADD tend to do that. Maybe, I really do have ADD. I guess all I can do in future is to watch out for such rats and avoid them like a plague. Where is my paper??? Rats!!! (and I'm back to usage #1... full circle)


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