Thursday, October 02, 2008

Procrastination at work...

I'm filled to the brim with work...

Sch mag vetting (decided to go solo this year) / Exam Markings / Assignments (due in two days' time) and yet all I can think about are the two movies that I want to watch when I am 'free- er'.

This is not good....procrastination at work... very bad role model.

But I'm in 'rebel' mood.... so anyway, here are the two movies that'll I'll be watching .... hopefully soon.
Anyone care to join me?

Burn after reading...

In serious need of laughter.... been deprived of that for a long time..

I think this silly yet witty movie about the "brillant" minds at the CIA, which leads us to ask: just how intelligent is Central Intelligence..... will do the trick.

Love the feel of the movie.. and the one liner that caught my attention... "Intelligence is relative".
And of course the Brad Pitt and George Clooney combi...
It's a pity that this movie has been censored to a NC 16 category.

Nights in Rodanthe

Having watched The Notebook over and over... I think any story/movie related to Nicholas Sparks is something that I'll be keen on... Sadly, I can't find the time to read his books... as it is, I have a whole shelf of unread books in my room... not sure when I'll touch them..other than the one I'm currently reading, 'Love Letters of Great Men'.

Well, as for the line that caught my attention....

"Lives change... paths cross... It's never too late for a second chance of a lifetime."
I think I better get enough tissues for this one.




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