Monday, January 19, 2009

When the going gets tough, the tough gets going... so do the lamsers

Spent my Sunday at a JC friend's house warming at Jalan Bahagia.... amazing how after so many yrs, we are still so crappy and close and how the guys don't look much diff but the girls all age one way or another... 

Learnt a new thing as well. For the first time in my life, I realised that there are 2-storey terrace houses sold by HDB. The size is pretty decent and the price is much cheaper than most 2-bedder condominums (~ $400k). Such a lovely estate as well. If only... 

While the initial conversations were light hearted, the topic of the economic downturn and retrenchment took centrestage. Being in the double pure science, economics n C Maths combi, our class of 23 is split into mainly three types... IT/Engineer, Bankers/Auditors and Educators.

As I hear from my friends who work in Citibank, Barclays and Standard Chartered talk about how the banks move from dept to dept to axe people, I can't help feel worried for my friends especially those with families or huge loans to pay off. And for those in IT, the cuts are worst.... so they tell me. That made me worry even more... The manner they cut staff seems so clinical as well..  Apparently, after being appraised, those axed will be escorted out of the office straightaway and the security guards will pack their belongings at their desk for them. No returning to the desk for fear of fraud or extractions of confidential data. No saying goodbye to colleagues as well. 

Expectedly, the non-educators turn to the 4 educators present to ask us what's the expected pay if they join teaching. I can't help but feel uneasy cos I always feel that teaching should never be a backup or something to fall back on in times of economic downturn. But you never know, there may be some converts who eventually become really excellent teachers.

As the gloom hangs over us, a lot of people would perhaps hope for secure jobs, cash, and investments that will not depreciate that much. But I think what's most important is that there are people who will support and love you no matter what the situation is. It is this support without the undue stress and pressure that will get those affected going again...  If need be, I will be there for them too. 

But a lot of it has to do with the individual who's affected as well. Not everything is about money and with persistence and resourcefulness, the tough will get going when the going gets tough.... 

And in such times, no matter how hard it seems, we have to try to find humour in life still... 

So here's my current fav theatre ad (been a movie junkie lately.. watching movies twice a week to prevent me from thinking too much). 

Apparently, the guy in the clip, Matt Harding has been travelling to various countries to do his signature dance before VISA hired him to do the ad. 
Somehow, the lamsing looks familiar ;p 

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At Fri Jan 23, 11:16:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can download your fave ad here!


At Fri Jan 23, 03:12:00 PM, Blogger Master Cartwheeler said...

Thanks anonymous... now I'm wondering who you are!

At Fri Feb 20, 02:48:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ah Jln Bahagia... yes those quaint little two-storey terrace houses... jog by them sometimes... (more discovery abt kairospix?)

i guess as much as it would be ideal and noble for people to come into teaching not because of the pay but in reality pay will in some way worm itself into the decision process...

btw, any of your teacher friends or colleagues interested to teach Chem, Phy, Bio or Eng at secondary level? or know of anyone who might be interested?

there are openings at GESS...


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