Thursday, October 23, 2008

My 7th year producing School Magazines

Yet another significant 7!
Here it is! My 7th production.... hot and fresh from the printer's factory!

Been doing school publications since 2002.

It's not easy work, that's for sure... but as the years went by, the efficiency improved but it's just because I've been doing it for so long...

Every idea, every concept has a background to it...

It could be something I saw along the road, a little advertisement somewhere or a chance click on someone's photograph in flickr...

Now that I'm in my 7th year of producing such magazines, I decided to pay a tribute to all the magazines that was conceptualised in my head and finally out in print...

2002 School Magazine... my first production

Was only one month in the service as a full fledged teacher and I was tasked to produce the school magazine! This concept was actually taken from the Savannah Condo's advertisement! Can't believe it's 7 years since I did my first school magazine...It's about time I retire...

2003 School Magazine

Did this magazine with Wati... decided to create a design competition for the school magazine cover... the winner went to Zuibadiah..

2004 School Official Opening and 10th Anniversary Commerative Magazine

Took a break from doing school magazine in 2004 as I was tasked to do this...The slogan was:
"I learn with passion, I lead to serve and I create the future" The concept came from the EPMS folder cover!!! Haha...

2005 School Magazine

THEME: Persevere with PRIDE (Core Values: Perseverance, Respect, Integrity, Dedication to Nation, Excellence)
Conceptualise this when I drove past Victoria JC one day and saw a similar picture on their banner with the line, "The grass is always greener on the other side"

This is by far my favourite school magazine as it was a breakthrough for me... really enjoyed working on this one... Told one colleague before that I feared that this magazine will be my personal best... True enough, I haven't liked any of my other works as much as this one.... Could still remember the whole school clapping and some turning towards the back of the school hall in my direction when the students officially received this...

2006 School Magazine

School Metaphor: Garden of Growth
Got the idea from a picture in flickr.. showed it to the publisher who went to source for a similar pic from his stock photos.

2007 School Magazine

THEME: Grow with PRIDE

(Note the "PRIDE" word is actually done using hot stamping.. it needs light to reflect the metallic red which can't be seen when it is scanned.)

Was inspired by a shot of teenagers posing in some cool shot against a dirty wall... Decided to go for the cool, proud, edgy feel for this year's magazine.. a play of word on the acronym of our school values.
Discovered a new venue for photo shoot as well... the rifle range in our school's underground bomb shelter which is seldom used.

2008 School Magazine

THEME: Bridging Gaps

(Note the "Bridging Gaps" wordings are actually done using hot stamping.. it needs light to reflect the metallic blue which can't be seen when it is scanned.)

Got the inspiration from a flame smoke shot in flickr... didn't realise how a simple flame smoke can be so beautiful... perhaps, I'm hoping that the place I once called Simpleville can be as beautiful as it was before....


For the rest of the divider's photos, please click here.

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