Saturday, May 14, 2005

Photoblog for my entries in Clubsnap

Actual start of this blog: 12 July 2005 11:44am (during an EL lesson)
Actual date of posting for this entry: 19 June 2006 8.07pm

Realised to post pictures in Clubsnap, the pics need to be uploaded on the web. Was trying to look for a free photo site.. hence I signed up for Flickr but realised there's a cap of 20MB of pics per mth. That's pathetic.

So I've used up my quota for Jun 06 but wanna post a photo still.. so created this entry (and back date it so no one will know.. keke)

so here's the first one.. n more to come.. should the upload for next mth exceed 20MB

Posting this shot taken of the cityscape while waiting for the fireworks. Selling my 75-300mm lens.. one buyer wants to see picture. Don't want to post this on my flickr, so I shall use my dummy site to store this pic..
