Friday, January 27, 2006

The Power of the Horse

Is this a horse?

From the horse's mouth, it says it is. Yet, it tries so hard to hold its horses and not to voice the truth, so that it does not get on one's high horse or be horsed by others. That little girl may lead a horse to the water, but she can't make it drink, just like how wild horses couldn't drag her.

It is a horse for sure because it eats like a horse, somewhat more than what it can chew. Then again, when a horse of another colour is given and is deemed important, it just has to accept it whether it likes it or not. Just beat or flog the dead horse and don't horse around any more. Get its horsepower up and start working like a horse.

Perhaps, it may have backed the wrong horse, or put the cart before the horse, or get a charley horse as a result, it must not give up or look a gift horse in the mouth. Just wear its blinkers, be a war horse and pray that others do not change horse in midstream. Hopefully, in time to come, it will finally move the current horse (geological term) and become a dark horse, once and for all.

Then again, if wishes were horses....


horse (noun) Pronounciation

1. A large hoofed mammal (Equus caballus) having a short-haired coat, a long mane, and a long tail, domesticated since ancient times and used for riding and for drawing or carrying loads. An adult male horse; a stallion.

2. A frame or device, usually with four legs, used for supporting or holding.

3. Sports. A vaulting horse.

4. Slang. Heroin.

5. Horsepower- Effective strength: political horsepower; computer horsepower.

6. Mounted soldiers; cavalry: a squadron of horse.

7. Geology.
A block of rock interrupting a vein and containing no minerals.
A large block of displaced rock that is caught along a fault

horsed, hors·ing, hors·es (verb)

8. To provide with a horse.

9. To haul or hoist energetically.

10. To be in heat.

horse (adjective)

11. Of or relating to a horse: a horse blanket.

12. Mounted on horses: horse guards.

13. Larger or cruder than others that are similar: horse pills.

horse around (Phrasal Verb)

14. To indulge in frivolous activity, to fool around: Stop horsing around and get to work.


15. a horse of another/a different color
Another matter entirely; something else.

16. beat/flog a dead horse -
To continue to pursue a cause that has no hope of success.
To dwell tiresomely on a matter that has already been decided.

17. get on (one's) high horse-
To be or become disdainful, superior, or conceited.

18. hold (one's) horses

To restrain oneself

19. the horse's mouth
A source of information regarded as original or unimpeachable

20. dark horse
A little-known, unexpectedly successful entrant

21. back the wrong horse
Guess wrongly or misjudge a future outcome

22. charley horse
A cramp or stiffness in a muscle, caused by injury or excessive exertion.

23.if wishes were horses
If one could readily have what one wanted, life would be easy.

24. look a gift horse in the mouth
To be critical or suspicious of something one has received without expense.

25. war horse
A dependable, frequently performed attraction

26. you can lead a horse to the water, but you can't make it drink

You can show people the way to do things, but you can’t force them to act.

27. wild horses couldn't drag me
Nothing could induce or persuade me

28. don't change horses in midstream
don't change plans or leaders when they are in the middle of something, even though it may be very risky to do so.

29. cart before the horse
When you put the cart before the horse, you are doing something the wrong way round like a horse
eats a lot.

31. work like a horse
work a lot

What a waste! 2006 is not the year of the HORSE.....

Thursday, January 12, 2006

7th day at work....and I'm zapped...dying.. & soon dead...

Not a good start for the year... everyone's feeling drained and it's only the 2nd week... Gosh. I've always thought that as the years go by, a Jedi would be rather at ease multi-tasking, coaching his/her padewans, accomplishing all missions by the Yodas, escaping death due to flying missiles etc etc... Sadly, that's not the case.

Mistake made..... don't assume that the scope of your job is proportionate to the number of years of experience. It's an exponential curve!! So steep that I can hardly breathe!!!

Doesn't help that I was reminded over and over again that stress is one of the main causes of cancer (so what is that person trying to do.... stressing me up even more???) Sigh... no point fretting over it.. (but can't help it also.. that's so me!)

Just live one day at a time and make the best out of everything.
Oh.. I realised today that JarJarBinks writes poems and Master Madcat can sing, dance and rap!! Cool!!! Hmmm maybe they're stressed too!


Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Haha!! I survived the 1st Day of School

Yes. It was a real inertia to get back to school after such a long (pseudo)break. Was so worried that I couldn't get back to my 'school' sleep pattern.. Tried so hard to sleep before 12mn.. Just couldn't especially staying up close to 3am every night and waking up just in time for lunch... hehe... So it was quite an achievement that I reached school before 7am... only 5.5 hrs of sleep! Yeah... let's hope I can keep it as it is...

Today, I had fun interacting with my form class. Familiar faces, familiar "corniness", usual 'gay' jokes and slight improvement in their level of maturity... (errmm actually.. minuscule, peewee, teeny-weeny, negligible improvement)

There is potential, there are aspirations and there are also challenges for them to overcome.... So, let's hope that 2006 will be a good year for them as they strive towards their goals and as what they agreed upon.... may they learn to be responsible for themselves... only when they learn to help themselves, can others actually help them.

So young padawans.... for your last year in Simpleville, MAY THE FORCE BE WITH U!!!


Monday, January 02, 2006

Goodbye 2005... Hello 2006! ............... Don't ever look back...

Another year has gone by... so swiftly and rather painfully, which left me rather lost... What have I accomplished? Which of my resolutions for 2005 were met? Well, let's see... didn't lose much weight, didn't do much good, didn't spend enough time in prayer, didn't .........

Nevertheless, what's over is over. 2006 shall be a brand new year, another hectic year, a year for GROWTH?! How then shall I survive through 2006?

Often in dance, a dancer can perform by remembering the sequence of steps and piece everything together. But executing the steps without fluidity and passion would make the performance rather flat and emotionless..

A much better dancer, who is able to perform the same sequence of steps with grace, elegance, flow and passion, will more likely stir up the emotions of her audience and create a greater impact. This, will in turn give her a greater sense of satisfaction after her performance.
For 2006, I hope I will be the latter. I hope I will not fall into the trap of going through the motion, doing things as part of a routine or a series of steps. With God's grace, I hope I'm able to take time to do what's more important in life... that life with passion, be happy and enjoy the life that has been granted to me.

Goodbye 2005... Hello 2006!!! ................. Don't ever look back

excerpts of the dance concert ~ Qi ~