Friday, August 31, 2007

Conversations with Corrinne May...

In two days, I would have attended three interviews.. This afternoon, I was interviewed... And just now, I watched Corrinne May in person being interviewed. And tomorrow, I'll be interviewed again but this time by Fr. Anthony regarding my A.
Of the three interviews, I like the one with Corrinne May the best.. (of course!) I've never been a fan of anyone. Never got any CDs signed or autograph from a celebrity...
Tonight, it was my first...
I wouldn't say I'm her ardent fan.. but I have to admit that her songs took me through the past 3 years of my life.
Songs from her first album brought me joy when the times were good
(Mr Beasley, All that I need)
... and when it took a turn, the second album took me through my toughest times
(Angel in Disguise, Free, Safe in a Crazy World)
... and now that I'm at peace, I feel comfort in her third album
(Shelter, Beautiful Seed, Five Loaves & Two Fishes, 33)
It is as if I was journeying with her through her music... I'm so glad to have been introduced by someone to her music.
And more thankful that the CANA Catholic Centre organised this Conversations with Corrinne May to hear her talk about her faith journey and the inspirations behind the songs she writes...
She's definitely a beautiful seed herself.. She reminded me that despite all our flaws and mistakes, we will still be loved.. and with God in the centre of our life, we'll be able to move on...
Other than asking her questions, she performed three songs. Beautiful Seed, Five Loaves and Two Fishes and Happy Birthday. For the third song, a guy in the audience actually requested to accompany her on his guitar. I guess he had been practising the sections that he composed to compliment her keyboard music.. He did it real well like o&o.
It's strange how things work in life.... Just two weeks ago, I was "complaining" in my previous blog entry how I never got to watch her perform except for that one time... And tonight, I had the chance to not only hear her perform 3 metres away from me and get her to sign my 2 albums, I also got to chat with her and will probably be emailing her.
I guess the learning point is this.. when things do not go your way, don't be too quick to condemn the situation, the people around you or yourself.
Even Corrinne said so herself during the interview. Given time and prayer, things may work out for the better.
And I believe so....
Dreams are what we make them to be.
There is hope in every heartbeat.
Tiny as it seems. You're a beautiful seed.
Every hope, every power,
lies in the heart of a seed that flowers.
Intertwined all across the land.
We're all seeds in the maker's hand.

End Lyrics from Beautiful Seed by Corrinne May

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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Beautiful Seed...

"I think that a seed is a wonderful metaphor for our lives. We are all like seeds. Seeds grow unseen in the soil and then sprout, and some seed become the biggest, most majestic trees and others grow to eventually bear wonderful fruit, and yet others, grow to provide shade. We are like trees. When we are in our mother's womb, no one can see us growing, but we are there. And all the potential for our lives is present in that moment, small as we are at that point in our lives, we are who we are now because of what we've gone through. And just knowing that, makes me sad to read about the increasing numbers of abortions that occur. People have forgotten that all the potential for life comes from something small, seemingly insignificant, seemingly lifeless."
~ Corrinne May~

There are only two Singaporean singers whom I really admire and would make it a point to buy their CDs or concerts or musicals.

Kit Chan is the first... The other is Corrinne May... Like Kit Chan, I hope one day, Corrinne will get to sing the National Day theme song... I'll be so proud of her..

Currently, Beautiful Seed (Corrinne May's new album) keeps the barks away (Refer to Lesson#3). It puts me to sleep, it gives me a sense of peace, it brings me comfort, tears and warmth.
It's amazing how each of her three albums has songs which speak to me and perhaps, to all her other listeners as well...

I attended only one of her concert so far and I'm sad that I missed her other concerts. Not once, not twice but thrice... haiz... I missed the Jan '06 concert, Dec '06 Christmas Concert, and now the Aug '07 concert. I didn't manage to get her concert tickets. It sold out too quickly.... I need to be on some mailing list or something. Don't understand why the rest always snap up the tickets so quickly... Or it could be just me...

As always, wrong timing...

Nevertheless, I'll wait..... waited for around two years already.

Her songs are simple, down to earth, emotional and spiritual, a reflection of who I wish to be.

And that's what life is. A story.

Every moment of our lives is a chapter. A turning point. We never know how the plot will unfold.
Only God knows.
We just got to continue on to see what our story will be.... and perhaps we will finally find our happy ending :p

Meanwhile, here's the lyrics to my favourite song in Beautiful Seed. It bears great meaning.
But I prefer the 'Cherry Blossom edition' better.
Couldn't find it though....
But like in life, we always have to make do with what we have, don't we?
Can't get everything that we want, right?


Written by Corrinne May Ying Foo
Copyright 2006, Corrmay Gourmet Music (ASCAP)
What's wrong, what's getting you down?
Is it something I might have said?
You're walking around
With your head to the ground
And your eyes are watery red
I know you've been through tough times
Kicked around, thrown to the ground
But you've always been the strong one
So don't tell me that nobody gets you'
Cause I'm standing in your corner
Knocking at your door
You don't have to be alone
Just call my name
Let me be an answer
'Cause it hurts me to see you this way
I wanna ease your pain
Help me understand
Let me be your shelter, my friend

We share a bond, you and I, we belong
We're like coffee and morning train
You strip my defenses
I catch your pretenses
The same blood runs through our veins
I swore I'd be your lifeline
Made a vow that I'd surround you
With love at every milestone
I'll listen when nobody gets you
I'm still standing in your corner
Waiting by your door
You don't have to be alone

Just call my name
Let me be an answer
'Cause it hurts me to see you this way
I wanna ease your pain
Help me understand
Let me be your shelter, my friend

It was not too long ago
You sought to understand
You helped me mend
Remember when
So promise me you'll call my name
Let me be an answer
'Cause it hurts me to see you this way
I wanna ease your pain
Help me understand
Let me be your shelter, my friend

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Sunday, August 12, 2007

Angel(s) in Disguise

Angel in Disguise
by Corrinne May
I woke up this morning
feeling kind of blue
when I stumbled out of bed
dragged my feet across the room
Right outside my front door was a rose and a note that said
'Somebody Loves You'
But out on the street it starts to pour
before I get soaking wet,
A total stranger runs to give me the jacket off his back
I turned around to thank him
But he waves me with a smile
I can hardly believe my eyes
He puts on a halo and starts to fly
Take a look at the ordinary
Don't need to look for Paradise
You could be next to an angel in disguise
I met a good friend for lunch
and we had a delicious meal
But I forgot to bring my wallet I felt like an imbecile
But she was sweet, she gave me a treat and
Bought me a chicken sandwich
To take home for tea
But out on the street with nothing to eat
A man and his shopping cart
go travelling to places,
Collecting social graces
I give him my sandwich and we chatter for a while
I see a rainbow wash over his eyes
He gives me his halo and I start to fly
Take a look at the ordinary
Don't need to look for Paradise
You could be next to an angel in disguise
Don't try to hide away from me
I know you're by my side
Take a look at the ordinary
Don't need to look for Paradise
You could be next to an angel in disguise
Take a look at the ordinary
Don't need to look for Paradise
You could be next to an angel in disguise
Everyday can be legendary
Every minute, an endless surprise
You could be the next angel in disguise
I woke up this morning
Feeling kind of new.

I used to have an Angel in Disguise but it turns out the angel was really just one in disguise. It's nowhere to be found. Maybe my angel has returned to heaven or has moved on to another mortal. Most likely the latter.

But recently, I found out I've more angels than I thought I had. My ex 4E3s descended on Simpleville last Tuesday and touched my heart (many times over) with their 'surprises'.

I thought I would have been forgotten but their sweet gesture told me otherwise. I then realised that during the only two years when my birthday was not celebrated, they were the ones who came and brought me joy.

And on Wednesday, I realised I have another Angel in Disguise. Some angel placed a Strawberry Shortcake purse with 3 Kit Kats in it and a note signed off as "Angel".

Was trying to figure out who my angel could be:
  1. Must be female
  2. Could be a fellow jedi, a student or an ex-student
  3. Someone familar with Strawberry Shortcake (A brand name in my era)
  4. Someone who owns that piece of notepad.
  5. Someone with neat handwriting
  6. Someone who's in school on Wed.

Haiz.. I guess I'm back to square one... I have no clue who my Angel in Disguise is..

Anyone who recognises the notepad or the handwriting, please call 1900-ANGEL-IN -DISGUISE

To all angels out there, past, present and future, God Bless.

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Thursday, August 02, 2007

1 down (Yeah!) and 9 more to go.... (Grrrrrhhh...)

Just finished a 3hr long paper which could be completed in 2..... I'm drained, I'm sleepy, I'm hungry but I must blog before the ideas disappear...

It has been so many years since I sat for one... The inertia was real great but I'm glad it is over... (though the next will be coming quite soon... )

So what have I learnt from Med 871 Educational Inquiry I, the first of 10 modules .....

There were many learning points but mainly none related to the subject... I shall elaborate:

Lesson #1: I must do what I preach... Burning midnight oil never works

Thought I was 'smart' enough to study at the last minute as I was trying to clear school work before studying.. (though I didn't manage to).

Two days of study leave to cram ard 10 thick chapters, reading most for the first time... Pure stupidity.. I was overly ambitious and rather suicidal. The consequences for my complacency: Information overload in two days, panic, stress, didn't manage to read every chapter before the exam, stomachache, nauseous...

Thank goodness, it was an open book exam which meant that I could still read the chapters while attempting the questions. After the paper, I told myself never to do last minute studying.. There's so much I can handle nowadays... I'm getting old...No longer can I burn midnight oil, no longer can I force myself to sleep at 2-3am, no longer do I have the braincells to absorb so much at a short period of time.

I must do what I preach to my padawans. I feel ashamed that I nag at them for procrastinating their revision and yet I do so.. Haiz.. such a bad example...

Lesson #2: I am equally 'kan cheong' now when it comes to exam as I was a decade years ago

I was never good at handling exam stress. Not sure if it's a typical 'girl' kancheong syndrome.. cos I wasn't the only girl with that issue. The guys however always seem so cool about exams. I remember even up to uni days, during exams I would panick. I had to be driven to the exam halls and calmed down by someone before I could walk into the hall with just a slight increase of confidence.

7 years later, I thought I'll be mature enough to handle any exam stress, having gone through all the ups and downs.... How wrong.. I'm still the old me... panic stricken, last minute revision, self-inflicted physical and emotional trauma before sitting for an exam.

It goes to prove that people don't change.

Lesson #3: Never stay with a neighbour on your left who owns 3 Miniature Schnauzers and another on your right who owns a hen and a rooster.

Waaahhh... let me complain... For the past few nights, when I needed my sleep the most, my neighbour's 3 yelping dogs would bark at 1am plus.. One of them is on heat I think, barking crazily and shaking the metal cage frantically... and the other two just.. well... bark along....

Like that is not enough.....

Recently, the other neighbour, for whatever reason, bought a hen and a rooster to rear!!!! And since last week, I realised I had a new "alarm clock" that perpectually sounds itself at 5.30am and IT SNOOZES!!!!! (i.e.... crows every 10 or so minutes.. )

So, let me do the Maths for you... I can only sleep ard 2plus when the dog on heat finally shuts up and wakes up at 5 plus when the stupid cock crows. That leaves me ... 5 - 2 = 3 hrs of sleep!!! EVERY NIGHT!!!!!

So, make sure you don't live beside a family who owns three dogs and another who owns a hen and a rooster.

Lesson #4: I can't let go of Simpleville...

I told myself to just let go of work but I ended up checking the emails, sending work emails, wondering if my classes were up to any mischief.. and then I found out about an incident that took place recently.... So painful to find out such things about the padawans whom you always thought of as good kids..

Who's to blame? Padawans, Jedis, or the entire Empire.
Should there be blaming in the first place... or should we start to do something about it. Things must change.. but I don't know how..
We could weed out the Phantom Menace or wait for the Return of the Jedi or Attack the Clones of those who are doing the mischief or take Revenge for the boy (of the Sith), or have the entire Empire to Strike Back.

But I prefer to have A New Hope, that something good will still come out of Simpleville. .. if we don't give up and continue to try.

Lesson #5: It's very easy to commit a Type I and Type II error

One of the things taught in Statistical Research is the possible error made when accepting or rejecting a Null Hypothesis.

Essentially, Type I error is the rejection of a true null hypothesis and Type II error is the retention of a false null hypothesis. Technically, they can't coexist. However, from one of the extracts in the textbook (See below pic) I realised that it can be and it has happened....

So if what I postulated in Lesson #2 is true, that people don't change, would a person who made such errors, be capable of making Type I or Type II error or both...... AGAIN...

Pic extracted fr:
Ary, D., Jacobs, J. C., Razavieh, A. & Sorensen, C. (2006) Introduction to research in education (7th edition). Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth. pp 183

