Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I'm Proud to be a Singaporean!!!

When Hossan Leong first performed it last Aug in the Old Parliment House Chambers, I found it so hilarious that I showed it to a close friend of mine. I almost went to watch but couldn't get the free seats.. It was full house so quickly.

Early this month, I had the opportunity to watch Hossan Leong perform in Dim Sum Dollies: History of Singapore and laughed at how he butchered the History of Singapore. I couldn't stop laughing... To some conservatives, they may think it's disrespectful but if you looked at how the audience responded at the end of the musical, you would know that in those moments of fun and laughter, the musical had somehow reminded us of who we are, allowed us to reflect on our past and appreciate our identify as Singaporeans.

Almost the entire audience in the full-house Esplanade theatre was waving the Singapore flags and singing to the Singapore songs.. some standing and dancing even.

To think that just one month back, I thought of migrating at some point in time. It was to a point that I went actually went to "test" it out in Melbourne which ironically helped me made up my mind about NOT migrating to Australia at all...

And thanks to Lavanya, I got to see the "MTV" which made me very fond of S'pore... Though it was was created some time back, I somehow missed it. For someone fr the 7 series... (Not BMW but those born in the 70s), there were a lot of scenes that I could identify with... VR man, Michael Fay, bubble gum ban, Tea dancing.. (I used to go every Saturday..) Haha.. I miss those carefree days..

So sit back and enjoy this NE clip... Take it with a pinch of salt.. it's good to laugh at ourselves at times and not be too serious... (Hmm... I wonder if I can use it for my NE lessons.. )



Monday, July 23, 2007

My Virgin Fireworks Shots...

Over the years, the number of people with DSLR in Singapore seems to increase at an exponential rate.. And after attending 2 Fireworks festivals, I don't see how I'll ever get a space to shoot one this year. So I thought I better shoot whatever fireworks I can and leave those real good fireworks to the professionals.

Yesterday, I forfeited $30 to shoot some sporadic fireworks at the Esplanade Bridge.... My virgin fireworks shots.... It was kinda embarassing as I was clueless as to what the settings were. I had no tripod as my quick release is still missing, rendering my tripod useless. And I stupidly left the cable release at home. Perfect evidence that it was my first fireworks photo shoot.

Luckily, I had someone with me who was not too inexperienced. She brought two tripods and helped me do the setting. But that's about it cos she said when the fireworks start, it's pretty much up to me to decide on the time I want the fireworks to be exposed.

The four minutes of fireworks were pretty much an adrenaline rush, filled with frustrations, regret and confusion, an equivalent of my past 2 years. Some were overexposed, some were underexposed. Some beautiful fireworks (the finale and the gold dust ones) I could not capture as the camera had the BUSY sign on... In the end, these were the only savable shots.. which pretty much suck due to the wrong timing... such wrong timing.

I wondered if I made the right move. Should I have gone for what I've paid for but know that things will never be the same or that I'm just throwing myself against a wall? Or should I have struggled with something new, pick things up from scratch and know that I have to move on? Though I did the latter, I'm still not sure if I have or if I'll ever do that again.

It seems impossible to shoot during this year's S'pore fireworks festival as they will be cordoning off the seats and planters area, leaving only the walkway for people to view and shoot.
Why must they do this when I finally have my DSLR?
Such wrong timing... such wrong timing.... as always.

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Friday, July 20, 2007

I didn't kill anyone!!!

Just 3 days ago... on 17/07/07
My name was on the papers... Straits Times Life to be exact...

Out of sheer cheap thrill, I sent a photograph (my avatar on my blog) some time back to Straits Times Life, just to see if it's worth publishing......

Apparantly, it is.....

What's funny are the reactions to them:

Reaction #1:

(Upon hearing that my name was in the papers....)

Eric: Who did you kill?

Moi: Lorraine.. for taking away all my potential wealth...

Eric: haha

Reaction #2:

Fr an ex-padawan: I even cut out that 'article'

Moi: For what? (curious)

Ex-padawan: Jus Keep..

Moi: .................... (I'm touched, thanks)

Reaction #3:

Mum (on the phone): Aye, ur name's in the papers.. u know or not?

Moi: Yah.. I'm working..

Mum: Why is it in the papers?

Moi: Just send in for fun..

Mum: Got money or not?

Moi: No...

Mum: Then why send....

Moi: I'm working....

Mum: Later, eating or not?

Moi: yes..

When I reached home that evening, I found out that she had told my aunts, her neighbours, her church friends, her Qi class mate........... It's just a picture, mum.. (but I'm touched, thanks)

PS: I didn't come up with the cheesy title "Peak-ture Perfect". They did.. The text was mine though... Here's the original photo (here).


Thursday, July 12, 2007

Happy 2nd Year Anniversary.......... 7 Years Later...

12 /07/2007 .. 2nd Year's Anniversary...hmmm..and Mark's DOB too...

It's exactly two years since I first blogged. Total posts to date: 124.....

Last year, I actually gave a roll of honours for my ramblings...
This year, I simply couldn't....

Looking back at my posts for the past year, made me feel so sad... There were entries on death, goodbyes, last day on earth, sickness, rats, drownings, end of the world... so depressing. Perhaps, a reflection of reality and of how life unfolded itself.........

Ironically, when I was a teenager, I thought 27 would be a good year of me.. purely because the number meant a lot to me back then.. Alas, it wasn't......

Hence, to "celebrate" 7 Years Later's 2nd Anniversary on the 12/07/2007 (wow.. i shall add 2,1,&7 to my fav numbers list), I shall make a pledge to stop blogging depressing topics and lead a happy life for myself and my loved ones...

Afterall, la vie est belle!!!

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Saturday, July 07, 2007



Ahhh.. my fav number... It'll take another 100 years before this date comes.... That is if our planet is still in existence... Meanwhile, enjoy this day while we still can and SAVE THE WORLD!!!