Sunday, May 28, 2006

새드무비 A Season for Love....

Just finished watching this.... One of my personal fav for the year... (sudden craving for Korean tear jerkers.. First was "You are my Sunshine", now this...)

Not the usual love story.... but for anyone who's been in a relationship before (any kind- kinship, friendship, courtship, marriage) will feel for this movie. It chronicles the lives of four very different couples as they deal with love, loss and life in loosely interconnected stories.. All their situations are filled with heartache and sometimes despair, but like love, it comes in many forms. In many ways, love must end before love can begin again....

The following two videos may not make any sense to those who have not watched... but for those who have watched.. enjoy...

Behind the scenes of the photo shoots

<- Happy version: Video 1

Sad version: Video 2

Love is ......... simply incomprehensible but perfectly understood...
paias slmih lkiah sdsgh lfsiu loyfi laozx ejuls ksjoi laikkd lsapo wewso plarfn dwnos asgfh

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Non Mihi Solum...

22nd College Day 2006
in appreciation for your contribution Dance Society...

Emcee said it was for 7 years of contribution.. but it is 8 years.. guess they short-changed me one yr.. but doesn't matter.. Maybe it's cos they know I'm 7 years later..

My take away was mainly fr the GOH's speech.. something the young ones (as if I'm very old) should bear in mind as well...

She said (loosely adapted):

Students these days are under a dynamic and challenging education system. While they benefit from it and ocassionally (or rather 'all the time') complain, they must not forget that many others (by virtue of their nationality and circumstances) are not even able to reach their potential simply because they don't have the means and the system to groom them. She cited two examples.. one was of her maid whom she said is very bright and is a fast learner, able to hold intelligent conversations about current affairs.. she also quoted fr an article of an Indian woman, doing hard labour for more than 10 years....

She understands that students these days are overwhelmed by the quick pace of education and life in general........She gave an analogy to illustrate her point.. Imagine being thirsty and standing in front of a power hose with water being shot out at full force .... too much, can't absorb, can't cope.. (sounds familar??)

But given that option and the other extreme that is no water at all.... the choice is obvious..

So be thankful for the chance to experience such a life (no matter how many complaints you can make abt it) and remember there are many out there who are deprived of such experiences and labouring for a decent life .... And though it seems hard to make a difference to those in other countries, we can always start with the people ard us... so do make life less miserable for the people you come in contact with..don't ostracise, be nice to others... after all we should all learn to be... non mihi solum......(not for myself alone)

Sunday, May 14, 2006

14 May 2006.... Without hope and Agenda

Happy Mother's Day to all mothers and Happy ...... whatever significance this day brings.........

Taken from a church bulletin:

It is never easy to love in practical terms. The decision to live love in truth and deed has its price. It demands that we drop all prejudices and suspicions about others and be open to receiving people in faith and trust. This takes a great deal of risking on our part but this is what love is all about - to risk oneself for the sake of loving others.

How true?

"I am the vine and you are the branches."

It is this deep, intimate life-giving relationship that Jesus yearns to share with us. He says it quite simply: make the choice to abide in him and bear abundant fruit or make the decision to live apart from him and bear nothing. The message is very telling: we are either fruitful branches which means we live in love or we are branches cut off from the vine which means that we are unable or unwilling to love.

Hmmm.. is everything so clear cut? Is there an in-between?

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Behind the scene... Ssshhhh

Was doing my national service yesterday for 14+ hours (not counting the previous hours spent in training, briefing, up to be less than $10/hr man)

These are but a few of the things which I noted. The rest can't be said.. sadly cos I am under the oath of secrecy... ssshhhhh

1) At 5am in the morning yesterday there were quite a number of cabs on the streets. There could be only be one purpose, similar destinations AND similar passengers ----- civil servants!!!

2) Give Singaporeans any 4 numbers, and some are bound to .......... (you fill in the blanks)

3) Why is it necessary to use Dialect names in the IC ? Wouldn't hanyu pinyin suffice? Was scolded when I pronounced one lady's Dialect AND Christian name wrongly.. Yah.. like how in the world do we pronounce... TJIO NYU YUENG PHINELOMINA

4) When you are really really old... under date of birth in the IC, there would only be the year...I guess they were born so long ago that they simply can't remember when they were born or pehaps their birthday is not a significant day to them back then.... This brings me to wonder is there a need to celebrate one's birthday since every day of one's life should be a celebration in itself. NAHHHH.... not in this world... perhaps only in Utopia - and NO! It's not a state in Africa! Anyway, the oldest person I met yesterday was born in 1913. I wonder if she knew what she was doing. Or if she could even see the lightning and hammer?

5) It is no fun shouting close to 900 names and 900 sets of 4 digit numbers.

6) Some Singaporeans just can't wait patiently in a queue without complaining!!!

7) The cross is confusing.. so some just prefer to tick...

8) Some people are simply ignorant of their rights!
One poor fella missed voting by a minute and the first question was: "Will go to jail ah?" ........ ANS: NO!
The second question was: "Then will fine ah?.........................

Anyway, glad the wayang is let's get back to the real business and see the bigger picture.

Saturday, May 06, 2006


To anyone who's experienced real loss:

The loss is great cos it's so sudden.
Sudden cos there's no time to say or do what's in your heart
Heart filled with sadness and regrets even
Even if there's time, you wouldn't know where to start.
So, start to move on cos there's nothing you can do more
More love for the others who still matter, perhaps?
Perhaps if you don't, there'll be even greater loss.