Wednesday, September 06, 2006

A la folie pas du tout...

Bien que mon amour soit fou, ma raison calme les trop vives douleurs de mon coeur en lui disant de patienter, et d'espérer toujours...

The above quote was taken from a movie A la folie pas du tout (Direct translation: With all the Madness) , which I just watched. It's a depressing movie... freakish even.. makes you wary of the people around you.. But I bought the DVD anyway since it has Audrey Tatou in it... Eversince Amelie, I love watching her movie be it French or English..

Actually, I took French for a semester in Uni. Since then it's hardly used, other than "Je ne sais pas" (I don't know) which comes in pretty handy when my French teacher asked me questions back then... haha... I ought to pick it up again... But I don't know anyone else who speaks fluent French... So now when I watch French movies, I can only pick up a few words... and when I read French text, it's like recognising some words here and there, and then trying to piece them together to figure out the meaning... exhausting....

Nevertheless, I'm still fascinated with France and the French culture... I imagine myself walking along the streets, sitting by the cafe reading a book, then again.. feeling odd cos there'll be so few Chinese there.. (I think)... One day, I'll get there.. I just hope that it's not overhyped and end up being disappointed.... and hopefully by then, I can speak more French other than Je ne sais pas....

Pic taken fr : nedgusnod1


Monday, September 04, 2006

JK, the Fish Out of Water

My Favourite CHARACTER in Chicken little has got to be FISH OUT OF WATER... Simply because it's adorable.. it's quiet hence less annoying.. and it's also adventurous... (a little like me)
Imagine a fish getting out of his comfort zone.. i.e. water... and exposing himself to the harsh environment.. that takes courage, a positive attitude and a whole lot of support from family and friends..

And this reminds me of a little fella I know....

By now, we would all know that JK is OUT OF Singapore Idol.. (pardon the pun) Imagine.. Top 5... and ending with positive comments from all 4 judges, a refreshing change...." a dignified exit" so they say..

This little 'fish' is someone that I'm proud of....

Simply because he has been through so much, got a taste of the harsh reality of showbiz and yet able to hold himself in a positive manner, persevere on and stay true to himself. Not forgetting, his humility and gratefulness to the people who are always there to support him.

That's character. Despite the weaknesses that we all have, there's always something great inside us. Sometimes, it'll show through our daily acts. Sometimes, it'll show when we are tested and facing adversities. But we all know there's something great in each one of us. We just need to realise it and at the same time see that greatness in others too. With enough polish and guidance, and a good character, we will reach that greatness.

A lot of the padawans I know have this greatness but they have yet to realise that or rather, by their inhibitions or peer pressure, they refuse to let it shine through. Such a pity. But one day, be it in Simpleville or after they have graduated, I hope the true greatness will shine through....

... so evident that it just makes the people who know them proud
... so evident that when thrown in the harsh environment, they'll not lose themselves and pull through
... so evident that when we see that character in the future we will know that the 'training' at Simpleville has not gone to waste..

So for all those fishes who are still in the aquarium, think of the day you'll be out of the water..
What kind of character do you want to be and what kind of greatness can you achieve?

For those who are already FISH OUT OF WATER, continue to strive on cos the trials and burdens will be there but always remember to stay positive and enjoy life with your family and friends...

Go Joakim...

(PS: It never occur to me that J and K are side by side on the keyboard.. the little things that we take for granted in life.. )


Sunday, September 03, 2006

And the award goes to....

HEY! Just realised that there's a grammatical error in the award... Student Councillors of 2007... Pls take note...

As a follow up to last year's entry (click here), here's an update:

2002..... Most Feminine Teacher Award
2003..... Best Smile Teacher Award
2004..... Best Looker Teacher Award (there was a shortage of Chio teachers then)
2005..... Most Sisterly Teacher Award
2006..... Most Sisterly Teacher Award
2007..... ?????????????????????????????

I would like to congratulate my fellow Jedi Masters for their awards as well...

Most Stylish (male) -- Master Kungfu Hamster (p.s. Stylish is not the same as Stylo)
Most Stylish (female) -- Master Char Mee
Most Spontaneous (male) -- Master Chocoindryice
Most Spontaneous (female) -- Master Twenty Eight
Most Humorous (male) -- Master Spongebox Square Pants (no doubt about it)
Most Humorous (female) -- Master Tallie
Most Fatherly -- Master Humpty Dumpty
Most Motherly -- Master Lenny
Most Brotherly -- Master Owen
Most Sporty(male) -- Master Spiker
Most Sporty (female) -- Master Pretty
