In Memory of Alison

Alison Louise Paterson
30.11.1963 UK - 21.1.1999 Australia
"Duniya Ko Mathhi"
On top of the world
My dearest wife
This place means so much to us and here you will rest. I will travel a new path knowing our love is so strong I will never have to say goodbye..
Love Ian
I was so touched by the love they shared and can only imagine the wonderful times they had together, though short it may be. She passed away at a really young age of 36, which led me to think how fragile life can be. Hence, it irks me to see how some people, are just wasting their life doing nothing or worse causing harm to others, as if the world has no problems of its own.*
Life is fragile. Don't waste it. Rather, spend it to impact lives in a positive way. I hope I can do so since much of my short life on Earth seems to have been wasted. And when I die, I hope my epitaph will be of meaning, of purpose, of love and not one that just stamps the name, the date of birth and death.
I can't help wondering what would be my epitaph on my tombstone or rather niche (considering Singapore's dwindling land space) when I die and who would be penning it......
*Hmm.. I'm into footnotes cos eversince I realised I may be a 'candidate' for ADD, I seemed to be more scatterbrained.. Hence, random thoughts will pop in my head... Was thinking of the world with it's many problems and I thought of the global warming crisis. A friend of mine came back fr a trip to the Swiss Alps and she was recounting her trip. What shocked me and everyone else in the group was that she said it was like a wasted trip. It usually snows in January but when she was there then, the snow was melting and they couldn't ski... Scary huh... It's REAL! The inconvenient truth is real.... Thus, I'm on a sudden quest to 'save the world' by preventing global warming. I know it seems ridiculous but like what Al Gore did, one country at a time, one family at a time, one person at a time, I hope the the message will spread. Hopefully, it will work.
Labels: Love