Now I remember... I'm still learning....

Labels: Teacher to the last
Labels: Teacher to the last
And when that damage is done, very few would consider the progress that have been made over the years and most would just remember the bad, because it's the end result that is there for all to see.... Unfair, isn't it?
But do we surrender? Do we give up? Do we beat ourselves because we think we have failed?
No, I think not... in fact.. I think we need to fight even more (please ah... figuratively not literally)... we need to redeem ourselves as a WHOLE.. including all the 'prata' culprits...
And that's precisely why, I'm looking forward to the next challenges...
2.4 km test run on ACES Day 31 Aug
6km Public Service Quarter Marathon on 9 Sept....
#2 Do not mispronounce words especially if they take on a new meaning when mispronounced.
Examiner A: How can the younger generation contribute to the society?#5 Weirdest response...
Examiner A: What is your view on fashion?
#6 Know your Prime Minister...
Examiner B: Do you think our society is taking care of the elderly well?
Private Candidate: Oh yes... according to our Prime Minister, Mr Lee Kuan Yew...
Examiner A (interupts): Mr Lee Kuan Yew is not our Prime Mnister anymore.. (smiles to put her at ease)
Private Candidate: Oh ya... I mean according to our Prime Minister, Mr Goh Chok Tong...
Examiner A & B (Simultaneously): NO IT"S NOT!
Private Candidate: Oh sorry, erm, so who is it now?
Examiner A: It's Mr Lee Hsien Loong.
Private Candidate: Oh ok.. erm..Our Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said that..... er... sorry... what was your question again??? (Frowns frowns frowns...)
Labels: Teacher to the last
This is the name of a rather famous Crab 'restaurant' /coffeeshop.... Was laughing when I saw the English sign cos it seems like a mis-spelling of Melbourne.. (occupational hazard!) I've heard of it many years back while I was still at AJC and back then I told myself I've got to try it someday..... 10 years later..... that day came
It was absolutely by chance... No planning whatsoever... Was actually conducting EL oral exams at a school nearby. My examiner partner had her dinner there the night before and she was raving about it.
"You must try the chilli crab.. oh oh.. the claypot crab with chu mi fen is also very nice.. Just add $3 and you'll get more soup.. wah.. the crab is very fresh.. really.... etc etc... "
Yup... this is what examiners talk about in between candidates... keke.. (exposed..)
Was hesitating as I was walking over.... (cos was reminded that I had the Sheares Bridge Run this Sunday... oh no.. ) but told myself not to think... just do.. or rather in my case just eat... It was a good thing I managed to get a table for my family.. the queue was incredibly long for a Tues. By 7pm, there was a long queue snaking to the carpark area... If I hadn't gone earlier (was there before 6pm, but the food and my family came at 7pm), I may not have had the patience to stand in line and wait. Had a sumptuous dinner though it burned a hole in my pocket.. but definitely worth it... Yet, I don't think I'll come back again anytime soon...
It took me 10 years to finally get to eat at this place... amazing how time flies... and if I had not gone for it today... I most probably never will... cos it's one of my few last days as oral examiner at that nearby school and I'll most probably forget about it.... Then it'll be another missed opportunity...
That's life... sometimes when the opportunity comes.. just go for it.. don't wait cos you may never know what may happen... in my case. I was lucky enough that MELLBEN Seafood restaurant survived so long.
Some say that good things are worth waiting for... like in the case of Il Mare / Lake house.. (that'll be another blog topic altogether.. when I do find the time) Don't rush into things for you may make the wrong decision... let time be the judge...
But sometimes... things may just slip you by and for all you know, you'll never get to get that oppotunity back again.. I've been waiting quite a lot lately... to the extent that I'm not even sure what I'm waiting for... Should I just wait longer and perhaps forget about it... or should I just heck it and just go for it?
I guess I'll wait... for how long.. I do not know... I may not even see it come.. It's too unpredictable...
All I know is this.... I full of crab... literally... and CRAP! I suddenly remembered that there's health check tmw!
3 years ago, this project came to mind...
The pain.... Heartache, backache, 'bladder' ache, hunger....
The mistakes... Camcorder's battery went flat (luckily, I've a back up camera... ) & not taking hints...
The joy.... Come and gone in 14 mins.... plus memories...
The climax.... indescribable... I've never seen fireworks exploding fr the waters before... nor the skies covered with so much gold dust... (hmmm or have I... Vague memory of it though...)
The video... Nowhere near the actual fireworks... but at least, it's something to remember it by... The pics n videos are the only things I can still hold on to.... Images froze n stored to remind me of beautiful memories and of little ironies...
NB: The quaility and duration had to be reduced to fit into YOUTUBE.. You may need to refresh if the downloading is too slow...
This is for those who missed the frontal view... e.g. those who were behind the Merlion.those busy snapping photos and those at home (studying or not studying for mock exams)... keke...
Following the Very Special Walk.. was a long overdued trip with my Padawans (sadly 4 were not with us) Anyway, I was mistaken as 'one of them'... hmmm a great change fr the "auntie"....
#4 Vomit-induced Ride ... (Not a wise move... After spinning like crazy.. not once but twice simultaneously, we almost puked... Luckily, I brought medicated oil... super aunty.. super unglam..)
#1 Sunrise @ 7.45am
#2 A Very Special Walk.. not "run" not "skate"
#3 Partial 4E3 ...(Not all present... some late.. as usual.. some were preparing for the Cheerleading performance)
#4 Doggie (Didn't think I'll meet a familiar face... not the dog.. but the doggie's owner.. )#5 Song Dedication (She seems confused about her song choice.. In the end, Geek in the Pink was picked...)
#6 Beauties and the Beast (How apt? ... keke.. Sorry Mr Felix)
#7 War Games (Ohhh.. it's been a long time since I've seen these toys.. )
#8 War Zone.. (Hmmm a rather 'violent' game considering there are many kiddos ard..)
#9 I wanna play... (Now... now.. little girl.. this game's too violent for you.. plus u r vertically challenged to play the game...) #10 Prizes... (And the prizes for playing the games.. "Congrats" Shoban for winning the "Songs for our Children" CD.. I'm sure you'll put it to gd use.. keke...)
#11 Discoveries....They discovered something... He discovered Gold! (What a rare candid shot.... Can't help laughing at this pic..)
#12 Class Tee... (As we were walking, 4E1 was doing this to their class tee.. so did we.. & in a PAP manner.. The padawans started chanting.. "Vote for 4E3" repeatedly.. Tsk Tsk... haiz.. what a way to disturb the tranquility at the Pasir Ris beach.)
The first cycle is finally over...
This is the first batch of students whom I had the chance to watch them grow from Sec 1 back in 2002 when I was just a trainee teacher... till this year when I finally get to see all of them graduate.. Taught them EL & CME at Sec 1, EL & Sci at Sec 2 and EL & CME at Sec 3 & 4.
Their sizes may hv changed, their voices may hv 'cracked', and their mentalities hv definitely changed, but some things just remain the same.. their humour (or rather lameness)... their coyness... (or rather lack of)... their idiosyncrasies which we hv all grown to know n sometimes laugh at.. n the fact that I know that their hearts are in the right place... (despite not handing in their hw on time, wearing socks of diff colours, indifferent abt the rules at times... hmmm.. the list goes on.. keke)
Didn't get to teach any Sec Ones after 2003 until this year and if I get to follow them through for the next four to five years.. I'll walk through another cycle with another batch of young padawans for the whole of their duration at Simpleville.. That'll mean 10 years of service as a Jedi... Whooahh... Not sure if it'll ever happen.....
So for now.. I'll treasure my remaining 46+34 days (keke) with the graduating classes of 2006 before their O Levels begin... and make sure they'll do their best fr now onwards... and may the force be with you...
Oh and before you leave us... write something nice for ur Jedis... keke... I repeat NICE...
Just watched an episode of Grey's Anatomy.. my latest fav show..